Who We Are

Our Ethical Value Proposition

We at Bannigan Communications follow a code of ethics that stresses honesty and integrity above all else. If these concepts resonate with you, you’re in the right place. Read More »

Bio of Leadership

Helen Bannigan, founder and CEO of Bannigan Communications, has close to two decades of experience in the realm of international communications, public relations, diplomacy, and cross-cultural awareness. Her strength is in combining knowledge of global business protocol, cultural sensitivities, and nurturing authentic professional relationships around the world. Read More »


Personal Reflections from CEO, Helen Bannigan

What in the World I am Doing Here.

Now living in my 6th country, and having been an expat for 25 years, I have a solid understanding of what in the world I’m doing here.  But it’s taken a while and it’s evolved.

Either because I was in a place where i didn’t speak the language and had no clue what was going on; or there were behaviors totally alien to me that I couldn’t imagine what the proper response might be; or that I was being challenged professionally and wondering if I could fake it long enough to make it (turns out I could and did).

Even now, with a handful of languages under my belt; a few Master’s degrees; qualifications in intercultural executive coaching; professional experience ranging from serving as CEO for a global PR company to working at the American Embassy, to starting up several entrepreneurial ventures… I continue to qualify what this means to me and the value that I bring to the world.

The question is: how can we be more present, more impactful, more inspiring, more effective and efficient, more authentically and unapologetically us. How can we make a positive difference in this world we’re living in, whichever corners of it our journeys may take us?

What is it for us that gives life meaning?

For me, its nurturing meaningful relationships with my family and close friends. It’s honoring my children’s role as my Greatest Teachers in Life, and striving to be a decent role model for them. It’s being kind and compassionate to everyone, even when it’s hard. It’s caring for my own health and wellbeing so that I’m able to be fully present for those I care about and respect, and present with substance and something of value to offer.

It’s developing my professional career, serving my clients and business partners and sharing my talents in a sustainable way, leaving a positive impact on profits, people and the planet.

I extend an invitation to contact me and discuss how I might use my talents to serve your corporate needs, while honoring these basic sustainable values that we share.



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